So what does it mean when another wielder of authority says, "Do what I say or your baby will die"? Are they looking out for your best interest....or are they a bully, a rapist, an abuser, deliberately playing on your unignorable instinct to protect the ones you love in order to get what they want from you?And when its seen like this, how obvious is it that a mother can come away from her birth experience with PTSD?
Raising My Boychick: Just Like Athletics: Exploring a Childbirth Analogy
Rather than coerce with stick or carrot, what we do in athletics (again, thinking especially of charity racing; a particularly apt comparison to birth as it is physical effort that benefits another) is cheer, support, encourage, commiserate. No one stands at the sidelines of a charity marathon yelling “give up! it’s not worth it! stop trying to be a martyr! you’re not going to win a medal!” Nobody whispers in their ear when they’re doubting, “take these drugs [that will actually make running harder], let us drive you to the finish [we'll tie you behind the car], finish in five minutes or we’ll whisk you away for surgery [for a torn ligament you don't actually have].” No one tells an athlete she can only have a “trial” of running if she has no food or drink, if she’s hooked up to machines that purport to measure how hard her muscles are working, that take her blood pressure and heart rate and temperature and send it all to the medics’ station and meanwhile are hindering her movement and reminding her she’s on a clock and she’s not running fast enough (or running too fast and they’ll “have to” stop her “for her own good”.The analogy works well. What would happen if hospital birth attendants had this analogy called to their attention? It seems so simple, yet a strong paradigm shift is engendered in it.
On feminist activism:
Courtroom Mama: Feminism Behind the Veil
[How many women] suddenly realized that grown-ass people in a medical office were calling them “mommy” and telling them what to do as though they themselves were children. And the fact is, for a number of women of relative privilege (cis-gendered, heterosexual, middle-class, etc.), the journey into motherhood might very well be the first point of friction with patriarchy. Many of us lucky enough to not feel the weight of oppression can manage to skate by with just our carryon baggage, but add a pregnancy or a child to the mix, and suddenly you’re “actually” a woman, or rather “just” a woman.
Fertile Feminism: Mainstream Feminism and Motherhood
That’s why I’m so pleased to have discovered all the feminist mother blogs that have been springing up recently, and why I want to work with feminist mothers to help bring your voices and battles and mainstream feminism together. It’s been all too easy for childless feminists to ignore motherhood, and it really, really shouldn’t be. We need to listen, learn and become allies to mothers by not only centring your voices but using our own to advocate for mothers everywhere.
The previous two articles both discuss how stereotypical feminists (or rather the dominant cultural idea of feminism) doesn't understand the issues facing mothers in dealing with injustice in maternity care. It now appears that some "majority" feminists are becoming aware of what us feminists in the minority are facing. Like Courtroom Mama, my first run-in with patriarchy may very well have been in my first birth experience and it certainly played a large part in coming to self-identify as feminist. I too felt, before birth trauma, that feminist history afforded me a "post-feminist" spot in my world.
On cruelty:
Henci Goer: Still Cruel Maternity Wards
We have a culture of impunity in maternity wards. Once pregnant, a woman effectively cedes her right to autonomy and bodily integrity to obstetric staff who sometimes—on grounds of fetal welfare, self-protection from malpractice suits, or mere convenience—manipulate women into compliance in ways that would be considered fraud in any other venue. Without fear of being called to account for it, they can bully, coerce, humiliate, and threaten. And, yes, they can physically mistreat or even sexually assault themIt is this that needs to be exposed. In her article, Henci links to recent news stories that highlight some of these abuses. Its starting to be uncovered but it still seems to far-fetched so far from the norm, but then what is normal seems irrelevant because of its normalcy. It seems the media has not just captured the sameness of these outrageous cases with the outrageousness of the "normal" cases. The whole history of hospital birthing has been this way and its just sick.
The Unnecesarean: Women Have Right to Complain about Mistreatment During Birth
I really believe that someday, our daughters or granddaughters will be amazed that any woman was ever arrested for refusing a c/section, or operated on against her will, or prevented from moving or eating or making noise while she labored to birth her baby. They’ll regard much of what is still considered normal today as cruel, and uninformed, and backwards. And they’ll be right. But only if we keep refusing to be silenced.
It exactly this that I could not and would not believe before I contemplated becoming mother. It seemed so blatantly wrong that it seemed impossible that it could be indicative of systematic injustice. It really did feel like just being pregnant and giving birth that I was going into a dark and dirty underground system. ACOG has been labeled a cartel and for good reason.
Amy Romano @ Science and Sensibility: Patient safety, disciplinary action, and the marginalization of midwives
But whether disciplinary action is against midwives or physicians, is punishment the best way to deal with breaches in patient safety?When this question is posed to someone who has experienced birth rape, the answer is: They have to held accountable somehow. If its not through a hefty check from their administrators, then it needs to be some censuring from their superiors. If not that, then it needs to be criminal charges. When a woman is feeling like her OB or midwife is entering her body with the same force and skillful manipulation of a rapist, yes, the provider must be held accountable. RH REality Check: The Cure for An Ailing Maternity Care System
The idea that maternity care should be evidence-based, safe, and efficient seems like a no-brainer but one key goal to note is how these imperatives lay the groundwork to minimize “overuse, underuse, and misuse of care practices and services.” We need to make sure we’re providing optimal care to all women by guaranteeing women are able to access the services they need if they need them. However (this is a big one), let’s also start from a place of understanding that pregnancy is a healthy state of being – not an inherently sick state – and so let’s also minimize the amount of unnecessary interventions that now drive up costs and place women and newborns at risk for poorer health outcomes.It must be said: the "overuse, underuse and misuse of care practices and services" are causing trauma to new mothers, rendering it exponentially more difficult to care for their babies in their early years. Its not yet known what sort of long term effects can be had from a traumatized mother in early life, but there are studies that show that children of depressed mothers are more likely to experience depression, children whose parents experienced PTSD are more likely to experience PTSD after a potentially traumatic event. Are our children being hardwired to face life's challenges with disorder? Its not just about health care costs, its about a mother's sense of confidence in her ability to care for her children. Its about the baby's sense of being cared for and loved. Michel Odent equates these early unnecessary challenges to a threat to humankind. He even poses the question "Can humanity survive?"
Its starting to sound pretty melodramatic and that's exactly what I would have labelled it before my experience, and before I learned that I was not alone. I find its a coping mechanism to write in this manner and that I cannot be objective and unemotional when I read the stories of birth trauma at Solace for Mothers and the MDC birth trauma board. Some of it seems so fundamentally, viscerally wrong that I struggle to articulate how and why it is so wrong. So instead, I try, though my blog to illustrate, highlight and show case examples so it can become clear to others without my feeble attempts to spell it out.