Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Recent birth news

There has been a lot going on in news about birth in the last couple of weeks.

First there was the mom in Australia who had police show up at her door after she chose not to show up for the induction that her doctors scheduled her for. Her doctors decided to call the police to escort her in.

Later, the hospital issued her an apology. Ironically, they claimed that they were not trying to pressure her into an induction. Right..sending police isn't an intimidation tactic?

If The Birth Survey was available for mothers around the world to take, I'm sure Rochelle would be able to report that she did in fact feel pressure to induce from her providers.

Then there was the mom who is going to court over being court-ordered to remain on bedrest while confined in a hospital and undergo a mandatory C-section.

Both of these stories are disturbing to me because it shows the lengths that medical professionals will take to force women to act according to their recommendations.

I have been on the mothers end of disagreeing with the medical professionals I'm paying to advise me on my health. In the two cases described above I see enough evidence to know that the mothers were informed about the research and known risks of the proposed treatments and in good conscience chose what was actually more evidenced based and better for them personally. My experience fighting to prevent an induction leads me to empathize with these two women who experienced much stronger attempts to manipulate their choices and force them into things that they knew they had the right to refuse.

It may be unfair to expect, but I would not be surprised with either of these women were traumatized by these experiences where they had to fight for their bodily integrity and to make health choices for themselves; without fear of reprisal. I hope that if they are experiencing trauma, that they will find the support they need and know about Solace for Mothers as a resource for women who have been traumatized by experiences relating to childbirth.

To quote directly from an ACOG publication:
"Even if a woman's autonomous decision seems not to promote beneficence-based obligations (of the woman or the physician) to the fetus,...the obstetrician must respect the patient's autonomy, continue to care for the pregnant woman, and not intervene against the patient's wishes, regardless of the consquences."

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